This past week I've gotten the sense that in this season of my life God is freeing me to accomplish/create something big for His kingdom. I’ve been in constant prayer for what exactly this sort of adventure might look like. So yesterday, I turned to an Erwin Mcmanus sermon for some quotable wisdom. I was not let down.
“Every future that God wants to create, He will create through a human being who will listen, and say yes.”
As usual, Erwin was preaching directly to my soul. I believe in God’s plan for our lives. I believe His fully lived version of life is there as an open invitation to us, all we must do is listen, and say yes.
This morning, God gave me the follow up for Erwin’s lesson as I read Psalm 29. In it, the psalmist describes the power of the Lord’s voice. The Lord’s voice is “full of majesty”, it “breaks the cedars”. That same voice that spoke the earth into creation is Genesis 1 is the voice that calls to us from the depths of our souls, and His voice will do even greater things through us.
We heard His voice through His word, or the word that became flesh, and through His Holy Spirit, and we cannot ignore the call for we are the future God wants to create. We are the change He wants to bring. We are the love He wants to share, the song He wants to write, the mercy He wants to give, the homes He wants to build, the sermons He wants to preach. We are not the next generation of the church, we are this generation of the church.
The voice of the Lord is the root of all Kingdom impact, and to ignore it is to turn our backs on the life, the ministry, the greatness that God has called us to.
I will be the one who says yes.
Maybe I’ll start signing my letters that way.
-The one who says yes
“Every future that God wants to create, He will create through a human being who will listen, and say yes.”
As usual, Erwin was preaching directly to my soul. I believe in God’s plan for our lives. I believe His fully lived version of life is there as an open invitation to us, all we must do is listen, and say yes.
This morning, God gave me the follow up for Erwin’s lesson as I read Psalm 29. In it, the psalmist describes the power of the Lord’s voice. The Lord’s voice is “full of majesty”, it “breaks the cedars”. That same voice that spoke the earth into creation is Genesis 1 is the voice that calls to us from the depths of our souls, and His voice will do even greater things through us.
We heard His voice through His word, or the word that became flesh, and through His Holy Spirit, and we cannot ignore the call for we are the future God wants to create. We are the change He wants to bring. We are the love He wants to share, the song He wants to write, the mercy He wants to give, the homes He wants to build, the sermons He wants to preach. We are not the next generation of the church, we are this generation of the church.
The voice of the Lord is the root of all Kingdom impact, and to ignore it is to turn our backs on the life, the ministry, the greatness that God has called us to.
I will be the one who says yes.
Maybe I’ll start signing my letters that way.
-The one who says yes