Pessimism is determined to make all bad ideas, stay bad ideas. But if we quit on every bad idea, then we would never get any good ideas.
Pessimism is determined to keep us from moving forward. But creation is a one-way street on which we can only drive forward, into the future.
Pessimism is determined to paralyze up with fear. It whispers in our ear, trying to tell us that the risk is too big. But in reality, the biggest risk would be to listen to the pessimist and not risk at all.
So what is our alternative to pessimism? We cannot avoid it completely, but how can we drive it out? We turn away pessimism through the use of words such as ‘Yes’ ‘And’ and ‘Okay’ instead of ‘Wait’ ‘But’ and ‘No.’ Cut a vine off at it’s root and it will no longer grow. Turn an idea down flat (‘wait’ ‘but’ ‘no’) and the idea is dead. Prune the vine in just the right places and it might produce some pretty delicious fruit. Actively engage to improve someone else’s idea (‘yes’ ‘and’ ‘okay’) and you might just create something incredible.
In our organizations, friend circles, even in our own minds, we rarely miss a pessimist. When they’re gone it’s almost like a weight has been lifted. Ideas can run wild once again and the creative atmosphere has been restored. Turn away pessimism today. Take the high road of collaboration, generosity, and optimism. You might just discover that you have super powers.