The beauty of the board game though, I think, is it's competition, or the acknowledgement of the competition. I believe that in life we are all too often playing a game , especially in our culture. Who has the bigger house, the better car, the higher paying job? We are constantly in competition with one another, but no one ever wants to admit it. Because if we admit we're playing a game, then at some point we'll have to admit when we're losing.
The beauty of the board game is that it allows us to acknowledge competition, laugh, and have fun with it, therefore freeing ourselves from it's grip and opening us up to the possibility of some honest, sincere connection with those we love the most. We drop the facade that we are so important or that we are invincible and laugh at our mistakes and even celebrate them, because after all, it is only a game.
When we remove the need to be the best, we allow ourselves to be vulnerable to Christ like community.