I've been reflecting on these questions for the past few days. As an artist it is obviously important to be a voracious learner and very flexible and adaptable. But we also must have certain convictions and values that we hold to without negotiation. What are your nonnegotiables? Part of the problem with secular art is that most often there are no core beliefs backing it up. People just create whatever will make the most money or whatever they think people will like the most. That's why the movies we see these days have very little depth to them, it's just the same story with a different sex symbol protagonist. And while those may be fun to watch to a certain extent, God is calling us to something deeper, something more significant. The most beautiful stories come from a place of true belief and point of view about our world. If we don't have a point of view, or if we just subscribe to everyone else's, how can we tell a good story? We as followers of Christ must have strong core convictions that shape our point a view. This is a very small list of things that influence every story we tell. The are things we will never waver from, no matter how hot the furnace gets.