If I eat too many cookies, then I will gain weight.
If I get a better haircut, then then I’ll get more dates.
If , a² + b² = c², then don’t even ask me because geometry is the most evil form of adolescent torture.
In a way, anything we hope to achieve or accomplish in life can be stated as a simple if-then statement. “Then” is our desired result, and “if” is what needs to be done in order to get there.
If we’re honest though, most of us do our best to convince ourselves that we can get to the then without going through the if. We want the result, but we don’t want to commit to taking the actions that will lead us to the result. If this has ever been your mind set, then I have another if-then statement for you.
If there is no if, then there won’t be a then. If we don’t take action and put in the work, then we will never see the results we desire. If you want to achieve great “thens” in your life, then start by committing to the ifs.
A little bonus encouragement for you: If we put in the work, then happens naturally. A proper then, the result we dream of, actually takes no effort once we’ve laid the proper ground work. When we take the necessary action, the results actually take care of themselves.