There are several parts of me that are just not satisfied with this answer though. I am not just an actor, that’s not all that I do. I also blog about the importance of creativity, I wrote a book about youth and Jesus, I started a non-profit YouTube channel seeking to give local artists a global platform for Christ, I also write small group curriculum for children and teens. These are all things that I do, but it’s hard to condense these down into a thirty second intro that wouldn’t absolutely confuse this person who I’m meeting for the first time.
As I was painfully trying to explain what I do to yet another hopeless listener last week I realized that the reason I do so many different things is because I haven’t found my exact niche yet. The truth is, I’m still searching for my precise calling.
I don’t think being confused about my calling or purpose puts me in the minority. What does though, is that I’ve come to the realization that you do not have to understand that exact calling in order to start doing work that matters now. Too many people are so worried about realizing their niche market, or finding their specific voice that they use their confusion to excuse inaction.
I am three years into this blogging thing, I’ve written a book, and I’m still trying to figure out my voice as a writer and who my exact audience is. However, this does not mean that I’m not going to answer the call within me to create, to work, and to make a difference. Even if my passions appear completely disconnected, I know and can trust that by following them, I am being led down the path towards my true calling. I may only see blurred lines now, but it is only by working and defining that the picture will become clear.
Don’t let the uncertainty of your precise calling keep you from following your passions and starting work that matters today.