“Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand.”
Gideon is shocked, and his response should sound very familiar…
“How can I save Israel?” he asks, “My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the weakest in my family.”
This reply should sound familiar because isn’t this exactly what we do anytime we’re called to start something? The moment that inspiration hits is the same moment we come up with a hundred reasons why we’re not right for the job.
I’m too young.
I’m too slow.
I’m too dumb.
I need more training.
I need more knowledge.
I need more time.
If I waited until I was smart enough, old enough, and talented enough to start this blog, I’m not sure I would have ever become a writer. If Babe Ruth had waited until he was a good enough hitter before picking up a baseball bat, he’d have never become a baseball legend. If Billy Graham waited until he was spiritually mature enough to start preaching the word of God, millions of lives may have gone untouched.
If you wait until you are (fill in the blank) enough to go after your calling, then you will be sorely disappointed.
Pursuing excellence should always be on our agenda, but it should never be used as an excuse to avoid taking action.
Take the advice the Lord gave Gideon and, “Go in the strength you have.” You may discover that you’ve already been given more strength, knowledge, and ability than you realize. It sure worked out for Gideon.
But you never know until you go.